In Hindi, kheer and in Tamil, payasam, signify a luscious milk-based dessert. Milk is gently sweetened, then simmered to a creamy consistency, enriched with ingredients like rice, vermicelli, or nuts. "Semiya Payasam" specifically highlights the vermicelli variant in Tamil cuisine. This dessert, with its simplicity and versatility, has become my ultimate go-to for creating a delightful sweet indulgence in a matter of moments.
1 tablespoon Vashishti A2 Cow Ghee
2 tablespoons chopped Vashishti Cashews
2 cups milk
1 cup roasted vermicelli
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder
1. Heat Vashisthi A2 Cow Ghee in a pan, fry Vashishti Cashews until golden, set aside
2. Pour milk into the same pan, bring to a gentle boil
3. Add roasted vermicelli, cook until soft (5-7 mins)
4. Stir in sugar until dissolved
5. Sprinkle cardamom powder, mix well
6. Add fried Vashishti Cashews back into the pan
7. Simmer for 2-3 minutes
8. Turn off heat, let it cool a bit. Serve warm or chilled. Enjoy!